Martial Arts

These strength and fitness classes are designed to give you all the tools you need to be able to
perform at your best in your chosen sport. Incorporate one these sessions into your routine to Maximise the results you achieve from training.

Get strong

Muay Thai utilises 8 weapons – punch, elbow, kick and knee – is effective in forms of combat and self-defence

Functional fitness for martial arts

Find more endurance from these sessions, so you can train for longer and find more endurance for your classes

Improve your mobility

These sessions will help you improve your mobility, so you can kick higher, retain your Jiu-Jitsu guard and prevent injuries

Lose weight

Improve your fitness while learning new, practical skills that are very effective for self-defence

Train light a fighter

Do the exciting, unique workouts of our fighters structured training camps, to get you prepared to look and feel your best

Express sessions

Supplement your classes with a fitness session – to take your martial arts to the next level!

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